Welcome to Geri-Options
Are you worried about Mom or Dad and looking for care solutions?
Are you a senior adult with health challenges who is living alone or caring for a chronically ill spouse?
Do you care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia and feel overwhelmed and burdened by responsibility?
Geri-Options Can Help
Our Services: Geri-Options professional care managers confidentially assess the senior adult’s current needs, explore care options and provide solutions to provide peace of mind, ease family stress, maintain dignity, and enhance the quality of life. We can also help develop a pathway of care for “down the road,” living at home or in an alternate living residence.
Help for long-distance caregivers: We can help manage and monitor your loved one here in Denton County by offering support, guidance and practical day-to-day help. We are available immediately in a time of crisis and can work with you over time to provide on the ground information you can trust.
The local choice: We are locally owned and have been providing geriatric care management services for over twenty years. We have earned an outstanding reputation, and we are knowledgeable about local resources. Geri-Options care managers live locally and are professionally trained master’s degree social workers with many years of experience in helping people in need. We offer lifelong relationships with our clients and families—most relationships average seven years in duration. However, we also offer brief consultations to provide basic information and resources to assist you in obtaining the best quality services for your loved one.
You are invited to learn more about Geri-Options by exploring the website and contacting Geri-Options to set up a consultation!