elderly man in blue shirt looking off into the distance

Geriatric Care Management

How do you know when your loved one needs assistance from a geriatric care manager?

  • Is your mother feeling overwhelmed with multiple medications and not taking them as prescribed?
  • Has your father’s driving skills declined? Is he getting lost in the neighborhood?
  • Is your loved one not paying bills or falling prey to financial scams?
  • Is your grandmother’s formally neat house now showing signs of neglect? Are her clothes dirty or unkempt? Has she lost bowel or bladder control?
  • Is your grandfather losing weight? Is he eating only cookies and candy?  Has the gas been left on at the stove? Does the refrigerator contain expired foods or no food?
  • Is your spouse becoming more confused or depressed and withdrawing from social contact?
  • Is your elderly family member or friend or neighbor falling frequently or having trouble with stairs?

If your loved one is experiencing these or other care issues, they may benefit from an assessment by a Geriatric Care Manager.

What is a Geriatric Care Manager?

The Aging Life Care Association defines a geriatric care manager as a health and human services specialist who helps families who are caring for older relatives.   The Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) is an experienced guide and resource for families of older adults and others with chronic needs, including helping those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, or exhibiting symptoms of dementia.  The GCM is professionally trained and experienced in issues related to aging and elder care and assists older adults and persons with disabilities in attaining their maximum functional potential.  Members of the Aging Life Care Association are committed to adhering to the professional Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

What are the benefits of using a Geriatric Care Manager?

  • Personalized and compassionate service — focusing on the individual’s wants and needs.
  • Accessibility — providing services locally — typically available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Continuity of care management – communications are coordinated between family members, doctors and other professionals, and service providers.
  • Cost containment — inappropriate placements, duplication of services, and unnecessary hospitalizations are avoided.
  • Quality control – care management services follow the Aging Life Care Association’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
  • Advocacy – standing up for the rights of the client to obtain the best quality care possible wherever their residence.

Geri-Options is Your Pathway to Help!

Contact us for a consultation to find out about our services which can help your loved one continue living at home.   We can also help those transitioning to residential care or those currently living in residential care.